We support our partners across their innovation pathway

We support our partners across their innovation pathway.

Our Offer

We operate in Research and Innovation domain, writing proposals for EU projects together with the partners of our network.

We participate in EU projects, we develop technologies, methodologies, demonstrators, trials, prototypes and we contribute to networks and communities.

This is how we spread the culture of the circular economy and digital transformation, enabling also other companies to embrace the change and become part of an increasingly dynamic network able to gain efficient results.


We accompany organizations that want to start innovating.

We involve them in: participating in European projects and funded activities, adopting digital technologies and solutions, planning and development of a “circular” action strategy, finding partners.

SYXIS promotes the sharing of skills and knowledge matching needs and competences, exploiting them together to achieve the common goal of sustainable transformation.

  • Innovation Support
  • Sustainable Transformation
  • European Projects Participation
  • Digital Technologies and Solutions
  • Circular Action Strategy
  • Network of Contacts
  • Skills and Knowledge Sharing
  • Unity for Common Goal


Thanks to our dense network of contacts, you will be able to find the right partners that suit your needs.

Networking means relationships but also sharing experiences, technologies and artifacts.

Our aim is to enable organizations to connect with others, so to embark on a path of sustainable transformation together.

Our effort in connecting people focuses on communities, clustering and communication activities.

  • Multi-Actor Approach
  • Ai4manufacturing.it Community
  • Dissemination and Communication Lead
  • Communication Plans
  • Clustering with EU Projects
  • Exploitation Lead
  • Incubator for joint Exploitation
  • Funding search for Exploitation


Thanks to our specific knowledge and skills, we support companies that want to incorporate new methodologies for innovation, and which need a team of experts in the field.

Management, technologies, legality, sociality, new standard requirements: we can contribute to the introduction of innovation that can help the company set up new their future strategies.

Our support in your sustainable transformation


  • Data Requirements Collection
  • Data Architecture Design
  • Platform Architecture Design
  • CoCreation approach
  • Data Management Plan
  • Social Framework Assessment
  • Legal Framework Assessment
  • Standardization




Creativity, dedication and precision are the characteristics that distinguish our writing team.

Thanks to our experience, we support companies to become part of the EU funded project research, in Horizon Europe or Erasmus+.

We cooperate with strong and experienced partners, cooperating in the process of writing proposals and applying to European funding.

Our Activities

  • Brainstorming for the winning concept
  • Find the perfect call for proposal
  • Find consortium partners
  • Write the proposal
  • Support in creating content

Would you like to know more? write to us at info@syxis.eu